CAPM Exam Preparation for Telkom Group

Training for 15 CAPM aspirants from Telkom Group (Telkom Akses, Telkom Corporate University, etc). We prepared for the exam in our 3-day CAPM Exam Preparation training on 25-27 March 2019 at Duta Kuningan. I hope they will soon take the exam and pass on their first attempt. Good luck, guys!

Workshop Project Schedule with Niometrics Indonesia

At PT Niometrics Technologies Indonesia, after having completed the workshop WBS, we continued to map WBS into project schedule as a part of PMO Setup project. However, this was not a straight forward task, as there were some work packages not identified in the previous workshop.

Hence, mapping WBS into project schedule needs some fine-and-tunings. At the end, we have had three workshops in order to come up with the complete project schedule. And this was not even final, since we realized that WBS approach we used earlier (phase-based) was not ideal once we used one project for piloting. For that reason, we did this by using major deliverable approach.

Finally, we were able to create a project schedule template (or schedule baseline) and to identify the critical path. Top management can’t be happier to know immediately how the overall project schedule looks like and more importantly when they will issue invoice to the client.