How to Become PMI-ACP at OMM 101

Really excited to learn from Pak Toni of how to prepare the PMI-ACP exam at OMM 101 by PMI Indonesia Chapter on 28 August 2019. We met some old and new friends, and discussed a lot about how agile mindset is crucial and the agile value is important in building the agile culture.

And finally I do hope this can push me to schedule the exam as soon as possible.

OMM 101 - How to become PMI-ACP

Agile Lean Coffee at OMM 95

Really glad to attend OMM 95 held by PMI Indonesia Chapter on 21 January 2019. Pak Amin Leiman, PMP Shodan as the speaker brings a lot of fun (with some Karate) and excitement presenting “Agile Lean Coffee”.

Thank you Pak Amin for sharing your experience (especially your food hunting experience back in Manila) and knowledge in Agile world, as well as the philosophy behind Agile (ritual, open communication, trust, inspect & adapt, etc.).